Selfcare Saturday, Sunday, Monday…

One thing us working women (in and out of the home) need to do regularly is practice self-care. Remember that self-care is not selfish. The more you care for yourself, the better you can be for others.

Burnout is real. I am a working professional, significant other, and dog mom. On the regular, I realize that I am burning out, and when I burn out, everyone around me experiences a version of me that is not my best. That isn’t a bad thing, we all are doing our best with what we have and where we are now. However, I love how the emphasis has started to come around about self-care.

For centuries we have watched women pour from one cup. But as we have learned, that cup has a bottom and if we don’t take time to refill, there won’t be anything else there for us to pour. I learned this at a very young age when I was on a trip with one of my best friends’ family. This family, who I still stay in touch with today regardless of the more than 3,000 miles between us, is one I have always envied.

With 5 kids, I’ve loved how close they all are and still remain. As you can imagine, these kids ranging in ages from teen to newborn kept their mom busy. She was the woman from who I first learned about self-care. I didn’t understand much at the time since I was around the age of 7, but I happened across her taking a walk in the woods. She was crying. I like most children, did not understand at that time that tears are not always a bad thing. Sometimes it is just a release of stress, fear, happiness, and everything in between. I turned away from what seemed to be a very personal moment to let her be in peace. I still remember and love how we spoke about it later. She told me “Sometimes you just need a good cry.” Not in a sad voice but with the confidence and laughter she always carries.

As a woman who is all too familiar with the lovely emotions that hormones much less any stressful or happy situation might bring with it, I of course now understand at a much deeper level. However, it was that moment of tenderness and explanation to a small child that still brings lessons and profound experience. She of course influenced me in so many ways.

So with that queue the self-care!

Selfcare comes in so many forms. From massages and facials, quiet reading time and even taking a walk by ourselves. The one thing people tend to forget is that self-care comes in so many forms. Some of them in the most expected and cost-free forms.

Get out in nature:

Go for a walk or hike. Breath in the fresh air, the smells of the grass or trees around you. Take off your shoes and stand in the grass/sand wherever and reconnect with earth. I love to play the game of senses to switch it up. What do you hear (birds, frogs, wind through the trees), what do you see (mushrooms from the latest rain, the bud of a new plant), what do you smell (the green grass, damp earth, pine trees, flowers)? Engaging the senses and paying attention to what you usually ignore can help bring you back and center you with nature.

Get dirty! Did you know that studies have proven that gardening can help reduce stress? Personally, I love to plant new things and enjoy the simple task of watering them on the daily. While it may be a required task think about being more mindful during these chores where you can do 3 things at once. Get outside and enjoy fresh air, engage your senses by watering what you are helping create and nurture and have it give you a break from your current task at hand.

Nurture your body with nutrition:

Enjoy a cup of tea. Take time out in the afternoon to warm up some water and steep some delicious tea. Take time to inhale and smell the tea and warmth. Let the warmth slide down and help relive the stress.

Have a healthy snack. I swear there is nothing better than a gorgeous charcuterie board. While I prefer a glass of wine with it, just having some healthy nuts, fruits and other proteins like meat and cheese can lift your spirits. Try a small handful of almonds, a few raspberries or blueberries and a couple small pieces of dark chocolate. The brighter the plate the better. If you have never heard of Drew Ramsey M.D. you need to follow him on social media or buy one of his books. My personal fav is Eat Complete. I once took a class with him on Eating for your brain health and man did it change some things for me. His take on treating patients from the “farmacy” is the best thing I have heard in years.

Schedule spa time:

Many spas have programs where you pay a monthly membership, and it gives you discounts on your services. Investing in yourself is worth every penny! My local favorite The Beauty Poet has just that! Best part is if your schedule is so busy you don’t have the time during the month you can always save if for another service or use it to purchase their products. I try to invest at least one massage or facial a month. While I have paused this sometimes for my no spend challenge months, I have found that allowing someone else to care for me lets me release and let go.

Do more of what you love:

While reading through some articles there was a writing prompt (I love these), it said make a list of all the things you need to do, want to do and would love to do. Sort them and prioritize them with what makes you happiest. For instance, cleaning is not always fun however, I can’t begin to tell you the level of satisfaction I have walking into my clean kitchen or spending the day cooking. Well maybe not the whole day but at least half the day. I’ve been known to take time off during the holidays simply to bake or cook to give to others.

Another favorites of mine is reading. I love to sit down and get lost in a good book. Cuddled up on the couch with some coffee, tea or wine and I feel the stress just melt off my back. I prefer to get lost in some book that is less like reality and more like a hallmark movie. You can find out my latest, greatest and favorite reads here.

Soak in it:

Bath, sun or silence, soak in it. Take a time out for a bath. Don’t have a bathtub? Take a longer hot shower. Mist in some essential oils or add my favorite Rose water that was gifted to me by a girlfriend. I add a few sprits into my bath water and soak till the water gets lukewarm. Sit in the sunshine, plug in your headphones, turn on your favorite tunes and absorb some vitamin D to help with the mood boost. Act as if you are solar powered and feel revived after.

Whatever fills you up and fills your soul, do more of that! Schedule it! Prescribe it on a regular day or have it on your checklist to do for the week. Just make sure you do it. Take the time for you and if you need any other ideas let me know and I am sure I can help come up with something. Cheers!

Sign Sunday

As the sign says, welcome.

About a year and a half ago I got the idea to start posting to Instagram what I call sign Sunday. As I have traveled all over the country and the world, each location has different signs. While these pertain to traffic instructions and more, I thought to myself wouldn’t it be nice if life came with signs as instructive as these. I also find some of them completely hilarious. Even driving throughout my county, I find that you will see a sign that means the same thing as another sign but stated differently. My crazy thought path then goes to think about when that sign was written and why did they decide to phrase it that way? Too bad signs don’t have historical info on the back of them of why they were installed and who wrote it. Although with the internet these days I am sure that info is in fact out there somewhere.

Back to the seriousness, if you believe in god, a higher power, or just the universe in general there are signs everywhere. You just have to pay attention. Be aware of your surroundings, look for the queues. Watch for those signs.

In this case, today’s sign is welcome. As Merriam Webster defines it: a greeting usually upon arrival, the state of being welcome, to greet hospitably and with courtesy and cordiality. I love that last part. It is what has been missing for the past few years. Courtesy and cordiality where have you been? Let’s bring that back. Let that start with us, spread that stuff far and wide!

I invite you to use that as a stopping reference to bring your thoughts back to that statement. When you walk into a store, someone’s home, or even hear it on a show, welcome. Lead with that last part of the definition. Stop and think I am being greeted with courtesy and cordiality. Here, as I am today, in all my humanness. What you might think are flaws someone else sees as beauty, what has been a pain can now help to bring others joy.

I don’t care what you look like, where you come from, your beliefs, and anything in between. You are a human and I am sure a spectacular one. You are welcome here. Lead with that and rock your week! Signing off